Simple Unity MMO Camera Movement Script

I wanted to start messing around with terrain stuff in Unity and I realized I needed a decent camera and movement script, so I wrote one up. I started by looking at the great WOW Camera Movement script.

If you are doing a first person camera, you are looking out from the viewpoint of the player. If it is third person then you are circling around the player and looking down at them. These are some things I wanted to implement:

1) Keyboard up/down moves the player forward/backward and left/right makes the player turn
2) Holding down the right mouse button makes the player strafe left/right instead of turn, and the player steers with the mouse
3) Holding the left mouse button makes the camera look around the player
4) Mouse wheel zooms in and out

Before adding a camera, let’s first work on moving the player. Note there is a lot of discussion about Rigidbody or CharacterController. I am trying CharacterController for now.

I am starting with Unity’s Simple Multiplayer Example because this is what I am familiar with. This is our client side movement code copied from the CharacterController.Move example:

public void FixedUpdate()
    if (!isLocalPlayer)

    var h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    var v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    // Only allow user control when on ground
    if (controller.isGrounded)
        moveDirection = new Vector3(h, 0, v); // Strafe
        moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
        moveDirection *= 6.0f;
        if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
            moveDirection.y = 8.0f;

    moveDirection.y -= 20.0f * Time.deltaTime; // Apply gravity
    controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

The player can move forwards/backwards and strafe left/right. Now lets make it so that only if the right mouse button is held down we strafe, otherwise we turn. This is copying transform.Rotate from CharacterController.SimpleMove.

public void FixedUpdate()
    if (!isLocalPlayer)

    var h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    var v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    if (!Input.GetMouseButton(1)) // NEW
        transform.Rotate(0, h * 3.0f, 0); // Turn left/right

    // Only allow user control when on ground
    if (controller.isGrounded)
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) // NEW
            moveDirection = new Vector3(h, 0, v); // Strafe
            moveDirection = Vector3.forward * v; // Move forward/backward

        moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
        moveDirection *= 6.0f;
        if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
            moveDirection.y = 8.0f;

    moveDirection.y -= 20.0f * Time.deltaTime; // Apply gravity
    controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

Now let’s attach a camera that follows the player:

public void LateUpdate()
    if (!isLocalPlayer)

    float cameraPitch = 40.0f;
    float cameraYaw = 0;
    float cameraDistance = 5.0f;
    Transform cameraTarget = transform; // Camera will always face this

    cameraYaw = cameraTarget.eulerAngles.y;

    // Calculate camera position
    Vector3 newCameraPosition = cameraTarget.position + (Quaternion.Euler(cameraPitch, cameraYaw, 0) * Vector3.back * cameraDistance);

    Camera.main.transform.position = newCameraPosition;

To make it so we can use the mouse to look around we move some variables outside the function. We also want to make sure we don’t place the camera inside anything so we use Physics.Linecast.

public void LateUpdate()
    if (!isLocalPlayer)

    // NEW
    // If mouse button down then allow user to look around
    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) || Input.GetMouseButton(1))
        cameraPitch += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * 2.0f;
        cameraPitch = Mathf.Clamp(cameraPitch, -10.0f, 80.0f);
        cameraYaw += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * 5.0f;
        cameraYaw = cameraYaw % 360.0f;
        cameraYaw = cameraTarget.eulerAngles.y;

    // NEW
    // Zoom
    if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") != 0)
        cameraDistance -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * 5.0f;
        cameraDistance = Mathf.Clamp(cameraDistance, 2.0f, 12.0f);

    // Calculate camera position
    Vector3 newCameraPosition = cameraTarget.position + (Quaternion.Euler(cameraPitch, cameraYaw, 0) * Vector3.back * cameraDistance);

    // NEW
    // Does new position put us inside anything?
    RaycastHit hitInfo;
    if (Physics.Linecast(cameraTarget.position, newCameraPosition, out hitInfo))
        newCameraPosition = hitInfo.point;

    Camera.main.transform.position = newCameraPosition;

In the movement code we want to make it so the character faces where the camera is pointed if mouse button two is down.

if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, cameraYaw, 0); // Face camera
    transform.Rotate(0, h * 3.0f, 0); // Turn left/right

There are two problems with the camera “snapping” quickly so we add lerping.

1) When your camera is blocked by an object behind you and the player, and when it moves away you need to slowly move back to the far away zoom (fixed with my variable lerpDistance)
2) When you are moving via the keyboard and you release the left mouse button then the camera needs to slowly move back behind the player (fixed with my variable lerpYaw)

We flag lerpDistance off if zooming because we want this to be fast, but if we are hitting something behind us we flag to lerp the camera distance when it’s gone. Note this works because the Camera.main.transform.position is changing each time. Every time we use lerp we need something to be updating/different from last call.

// Does new position put us inside anything?
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Linecast(cameraTarget.position, newCameraPosition, out hitInfo))
    newCameraPosition = hitInfo.point;
    lerpDistance = true;
    // NEW
    if (lerpDistance)
        float newCameraDistance = Mathf.Lerp(Vector3.Distance(cameraTarget.position, Camera.main.transform.position), cameraDistance, 5.0f * Time.deltaTime);
        newCameraPosition = cameraTarget.position + (Quaternion.Euler(cameraPitch, cameraYaw, 0) * Vector3.back * newCameraDistance);

For when moving, we remember if the client wants to move by adding lerpYaw to the movement code:

var h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
var v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

// Have camera follow if moving
if (!lerpYaw && (h != 0 || v != 0))
    lerpYaw = true;

// This is in LateUpdate()
if (lerpYaw)
    cameraYaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(cameraYaw, cameraTarget.eulerAngles.y, 5.0f * Time.deltaTime);

That should be it. The final result is three clients chilling.

If you know of a way to improve this, please let me know. Sample code at GitHub.

Pseudo Authoritative Server Using Unity’s HLAPI

I was looking at Unity’s Simple Multiplayer Example. It’s rather easy to set up and runs pretty good. They mentioned it was an “authoritative server” which confused me because the client is the one deciding where it moves. I was hoping we could fix that somewhat by using clientMoveCallback3D.

The below code will take the client’s new position and check to make sure it’s not too far from its last known position on the server. We also check to make sure they haven’t moved inside anything. If they are too far or inside a wall, we’ll tell them to move back.

// Only called on one client
// Call if client was found in illegal spot
// Fix me: can this be abused?
void TargetSetPosition(NetworkConnection target, Vector3 position)
    Debug.Log("Setting position to " + position);
    transform.position = position;

// Only called by the server
public bool ValidateMove(ref Vector3 position, ref Vector3 velocity, ref Quaternion rotation)
    if (position == transform.position) // Don't bother if they didn't move
        return true;

    // Did they move too far away?
    // Fix me: what if we want them to transport?
    // Fix me: what if they are falling?
    if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position) > 0.5f)
        // Tell client to move to last known good position
        TargetSetPosition(connectionToClient, transform.position);
        return false;

    // Are they moving inside anything?
    // Fix me: what if they're trapped inside something already?
    Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(position, m_collider.bounds.extents);
    if (colliders.Length > 1)
        // Tell client to move to last known good position
        TargetSetPosition(connectionToClient, transform.position);
        return false;

    // Everything's good, accept client move
    return true;

If we return false on a ValidateMove, then the server will not update the client’s move and it won’t let other clients know about the new position either. The client that moved illegally will be in the new position on their computer, however. I’m using TargetRpcAttribute to tell the client to set themselves back to the old spot.

Here’s the updated PlayerController.cs:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class PlayerController : NetworkBehaviour
    private Collider m_collider;
    private string m_log;

    void Start()
        m_collider = GetComponent<Collider>();

    // Get client input
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        var x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * 150.0f;
        var z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * 3.0f;
        if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) // Move fast like we're cheating
            z *= 10.0f;

        transform.Rotate(0, x, 0);
        // Don't move into things
        Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(transform.TransformPoint(0, 0, z), m_collider.bounds.extents);
        if (colliders.Length == 1) // We'll always detect our own collider
            transform.Translate(0, 0, z);

    // Only called on one client
    // Call if client was found in illegal spot
    // Fix me: can this be abused?
    void TargetSetPosition(NetworkConnection target, Vector3 position)
        Debug.Log("Setting position to " + position);
        transform.position = position;

    // Only called by the server
    public bool ValidateMove(ref Vector3 position, ref Vector3 velocity, ref Quaternion rotation)
        if (position == transform.position) // Don't bother if they didn't move
            return true;

        // Did they move too far away?
        // Fix me: what if we want them to transport?
        // Fix me: what if they are falling?
        if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position) > 0.5f)
            // Tell client to move to last known good position
            TargetSetPosition(connectionToClient, transform.position);
            return false;

        // Are they moving inside anything?
        // Fix me: what if they're trapped inside something already?
        Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(position, m_collider.bounds.extents);
        if (colliders.Length > 1)
            // Tell client to move to last known good position
            TargetSetPosition(connectionToClient, transform.position);
            return false;

        // Everything's good, accept client move
        return true;

    public override void OnStartServer()
        GetComponent<NetworkTransform>().clientMoveCallback3D = ValidateMove;

    public override void OnStartLocalPlayer()
        GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color =;

        // Hook up for Debug messages
        Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;

    private void HandleLog(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
        if (type == LogType.Log)
            if (m_log.Split('\n').Length > 20)
                m_log = "";
            m_log += "\n" + condition;

    public void OnGUI()
        GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), m_log);

If you know of a way to improve this, please let me know. Sample code at GitHub.

Freeze Tag Reminisced


Hopefully, when you were a kid you had a chance to play Freeze Tag on the playground. That’s where someone is “it” and when they touch or “tag” someone, that person has to stay frozen. If a friend comes up and taps them then they are unfrozen. It usually ends up with a mass of frozen people in weird poses and is a lot of fun.

Freeze Tag on the computer, on the other hand, started as a modification to the game Quake 2, which I wrote in 1997 (under the handle Doolittle). The idea was simple, take a team deathmatch game, and when you kill someone on the other side, they don’t die, they freeze in place. If you can freeze the entire enemy team then your team scores a point and everyone is unfrozen. If you run up to a frozen teammate and stand by them for three seconds then they unfreeze and can rejoin the fight. A lot of fun situations can happen with this very simple concept. You can hide out and shoot someone as they try to unfreeze someone. You can get a bunch of enemy guys to follow you, ditch them and return to your frozen teammates to save them. You could be the last one left alive, desperately trying to unfreeze a teammate.


The concept of Freeze Tag for Quake 2 came about as I was playing a popular modification called Jailbreak. In this game mode, when you kill the enemy team, they would respawn back in your base’s jail. If you went to the enemy team’s base and found their jail, you could press a button to release your teammates. It was very fun, but I spent a lot of time just sitting in jail wondering what was happening. The thought occurred to me, what if when you died you just stayed in the middle of the battlefield so you could watch the others? Another factor was that Jailbreak required custom maps to work. You had to have a map with two bases and jails. I didn’t have this type of skill set. I wanted to program a modification, but I wanted it to be very minimal as far as artistic output was concerned. If I did implement the Freeze Tag idea, it would work on any map.

The cool part of the story, for me anyways, was this: it was right at a time in my life where I was picking a career. I really enjoyed computers and thought basic programming was neat, but I hadn’t done any project outside of a school homework assignment. The Quake 1 source code had been released as a programming language called QuakeC. For some reason I had skipped tinkering with this. When Quake 2 came out, and I heard the source code was written in plain ANSI C, I decided to check it out. I had done Turbo Pascal, but this was my first time seeing C. Another thing that scared me was the source was made up of more than eighty files. I had thought it would be one file!

So when the concept of Freeze Tag hit me, and I thought about making it into a mod, it was a very difficult two weeks until I had an actual prototype working. During that time I was very much tempted to give up and go tell someone else, “hey I have a cool idea, do you think you can execute it?” But I pushed through, and got something going, and I released it and people started playing it. It was really fun logging on to a game server and seeing people come on for the first time and ask in chat “what on earth is this?” I’ll never forget seeing one person say, “This is stupid. This won’t last three days!” Slowly people got into it and then they started telling their friends and I got lots of feedback. This really encouraged me to keep working on Freeze Tag. I ended up adding a lot of features because of this feedback loop.

One of the things added was a grappling hook, by Perecli Manole, which acted like real physics. Gravity would pull you down as you swung. I made it so that if you died while grappling then you might have a chance of just hanging there frozen. I didn’t tell anyone I had done this, and when I released the new version I made sure to be there when people were playing. Suddenly someone said on chat something like, “Ahhh! There’s some dude frozen here swinging back and forth from the ceiling”. I also made it so you could grapple the frozen bodies and drag them to some dark corner so people couldn’t find their teammates and release them.

Another cool thing I added was if you pressed a button while you were frozen your game character would say “helppppp meeee” or “it huuuurts” in a crackly voice. This was actually taken from the Quake 2 sounds. If you were frozen, I also gave you an option to see the view from other frozen people, but if someone shot your frozen body, your screen would zip back into your body. This gave your captors a chance to taunt you. Adding little touches like this was fun. For the Quake 3 version, I was contacted by a professional voice over guy, Jeff Wros. He said he wanted to help me record other cries for help. I was completely blown away by this.



The Quake 3 version was also fun in that the game already had bots. It took a while but I was able to figure out how to get the bots to run over and help people thaw. The bot code had a section where if the bot saw someone holding a flag in Capture the Flag, they would go stand near them and guard. I simply made the bots think frozen people had the flag, and had them stand close by when guarding. This gave the cool illusion that they were trying to rescue you.



id Software, the people I idolized and who wrote the Quake games, finally sort of acknowledged my modification when they added a game mode to QuakeLive: Freeze Tag! And soon the game Doom will be out with Freeze Tag as well.

Because of the Freeze Tag mod, I realized I loved programming and it was something I could do as a career. It gave me confidence. I really thank the Lord for this incredible turn of events: that I was able to figure out the source code, that this happened right as I was choosing a career, that people came around to support me.

Source at GitHub: getfreeze

Way back machine: Planet Quake talking about Freeze, being top 10 mod of 1998, shout out to Clan SZT and LKFF, and a Blue’s News announcement

Simple Authoritative Server Part 2

This is part 2 of the authoritative server. In this example the client will tell the server where it wants to go (up, down, left, right), and the server in turn tells the client where its position is.


This is written using Unity’s NetworkTransport API.

First the server will create itself and set up a routine to send out client position information every tenth of a second.

void Start()
    Application.runInBackground = true;

    ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig();
    reliableChannel = config.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable);
    HostTopology topology = new HostTopology(config, 5);
    // Listen on port 25000
    m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(topology, 200, 400, 25000);
    m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topology, 25000);

    // Send client position data every so often to those connected

Here is how we send out each clients’ position as calculated by Unity’s physics engine. clientList is a list we keep of all clients that are connected to us and which GameObject is theirs. We send the server GameObject’s GetInstanceID() so that the clients will know who we’re talking about. Note we include the PacketTypeEnum as the first byte so that the client will know if this is a “position of all clients” packet or about the clients that are connected (name, color).

enum PacketTypeEnum
    Unknown = (1 << 0),
    Position = (1 << 1),
    Information = (1 << 2)

// Send client position data every so often to those connected
IEnumerator SendPositionCoroutine()
    NetworkWriter nr = new NetworkWriter();

    while (true)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

        // Anything to do?
        if (clientList.Count == 0)

        // Reset stream

        foreach (var item in clientList)

            // Don't pack too much
            // Fix me! Send more than one packet instead
            if (nr.Position > 1300)

        // Send data out
        byte[] buffer = nr.ToArray();
        byte error;
        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Sending data size {0}", buffer.Length));
        foreach (var item in clientList)
            NetworkTransport.Send(m_hostId, item.connectionId, reliableChannel, buffer, buffer.Length, out error);

Then the server has an Update routine where it listens for incoming traffic. It will create a GameObject when clients connect, remove one when they disconnect, and process client input here.

void Update()
    // Remember who's connecting and disconnecting to us
    if (m_hostId == -1)
    int connectionId;
    int channelId;
    int receivedSize;
    byte error;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1500];
    NetworkEventType networkEvent = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_hostId, out connectionId, out channelId, buffer, buffer.Length, out receivedSize, out error);
    switch (networkEvent)
        case NetworkEventType.Nothing:
        case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent:
        case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent:
            ClientData cd = clientList.FirstOrDefault(item => item.connectionId == connectionId);
            if (cd != null)
                Debug.Log("Client disconnected");
                // Send all clients new info
                Debug.Log("Client disconnected that we didn't know about!?");
        case NetworkEventType.DataEvent:
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Got data size {0}", receivedSize));
            Array.Resize(ref buffer, receivedSize);
            ProcessClientInput(connectionId, buffer);

To process client input we do this.

enum InputTypeEnum
    KeyNone = (1 << 0),
    KeyUp = (1 << 1),
    KeyDown = (1 << 2),
    KeyLeft = (1 << 3),
    KeyRight = (1 << 4),
    KeyJump = (1 << 5)

void ProcessClientInput(int connectionId, byte[] buffer)
    ClientData cd = clientList.FirstOrDefault(item => item.connectionId == connectionId);
    if (cd == null)
        Debug.Log("Client that we didn't know about!?");

    InputTypeEnum input = (InputTypeEnum)buffer[0];
    float deltaX = 0.0f;
    float deltaZ = 0.0f;
    if ((input & InputTypeEnum.KeyUp) == InputTypeEnum.KeyUp)
        deltaX = 1.0f;
    if ((input & InputTypeEnum.KeyDown) == InputTypeEnum.KeyDown)
        deltaX = -1.0f;
    if ((input & InputTypeEnum.KeyRight) == InputTypeEnum.KeyRight)
        deltaZ = 1.0f;
    if ((input & InputTypeEnum.KeyLeft) == InputTypeEnum.KeyLeft)
        deltaZ = -1.0f;
    Vector3 movement = new Vector3(deltaX, 0, deltaZ);
    movement = transform.TransformDirection(movement);
    movement *= 10.0f;
    cd.obj.GetComponent<CharacterController>().Move(movement * Time.deltaTime);

On the client side, our Update script will look like this:

void Update()
    if (m_hostId == -1)
    int connectionId;
    int channelId;
    int receivedSize;
    byte error;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1500];
    NetworkEventType networkEvent = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_hostId, out connectionId, out channelId, buffer, buffer.Length, out receivedSize, out error);
    switch (networkEvent)
        case NetworkEventType.Nothing:
        case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent:
            m_serverConnectionId = connectionId;
        case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent:
            m_serverConnectionId = -1;
        case NetworkEventType.DataEvent:
            if (connectionId != m_serverConnectionId)
                Debug.Log("Data not from server!?");
                Array.Resize(ref buffer, receivedSize);

The client’s ProcessServerData is a big routine where we process PacketTypeEnum.Position:

class PositionData
    public int objectId;
    public Vector3 pos;

NetworkReader nr = new NetworkReader(buffer);
List<PositionData> posList = new List<PositionData>();
PositionData p;
while (nr.Position != buffer.Length)
    p = new PositionData();
    p.objectId = nr.ReadInt32();
    p.pos = nr.ReadVector3();

// Update game objects
foreach (var item in clientList)
    if (item.obj == null)
    p = posList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.objectId == item.objectId);
    if (p == null)
        Debug.Log("Cannot find game object");
        item.obj.transform.position = p.pos;

…we also process PacketTypeEnum.Information which is sent out from the server whenever a client connects or disconnects:

class InformationData
    public int objectId;
    public string name;
    public Vector3 pos;
    public float r;
    public float g;
    public float b;

NetworkReader nr = new NetworkReader(buffer);
List<InformationData> infoList = new List<InformationData>();
InformationData info;
while (nr.Position != buffer.Length)
    info = new InformationData();
    info.objectId = nr.ReadInt32(); = nr.ReadString();
    info.pos = nr.ReadVector3();
    info.r = nr.ReadSingle();
    info.g = nr.ReadSingle();
    info.b = nr.ReadSingle();

// Remove clients that aren't listed
foreach (var item in clientList)
    if (item.obj == null)
    info = infoList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.objectId == item.objectId);
    if (info == null)
clientList.RemoveAll(x => x.obj == null); // Note items are set to null only after Update!

foreach (var item in infoList)
    ClientData cd = clientList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.objectId == item.objectId);
    // Is this new client info?
    if (cd == null)
        // Create new object
        GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        // No CharacterController here!
        // Set position
        obj.transform.position = item.pos;
        // Set color
        obj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(item.r, item.g, item.b);

        cd = new ClientData();
        cd.objectId = item.objectId; =;
        cd.obj = obj;
        Debug.Log(string.Format("New client info for {0}",;

The client runs a coroutine where it sends input information every tenth of a second:

// Send input data every so often
IEnumerator SendInputCoroutine()
    while (true)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

        // Anything to do?
        if (m_hostId == -1 || m_serverConnectionId == -1)

        InputTypeEnum input = InputTypeEnum.KeyNone;
        float f;
        f = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        if (f > 0.0f)
            input |= InputTypeEnum.KeyUp;
        if (f < 0.0f)
            input |= InputTypeEnum.KeyDown;
        f = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        if (f > 0.0f)
            input |= InputTypeEnum.KeyRight;
        if (f < 0.0f)
            input |= InputTypeEnum.KeyLeft;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
            input |= InputTypeEnum.KeyJump;

        if (input == InputTypeEnum.KeyNone)

        // Send data out
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
        buffer[0] = (byte)input;
        byte error;
        NetworkTransport.Send(m_hostId, m_serverConnectionId, reliableChannel, buffer, buffer.Length, out error);

That’s basically it! We are still not doing interpolation which is needed. But I think this is a good start.

The two main scripts are Server.cs and Client.cs.

Both projects at GitHub

Simple Authoritative Server Part 1

An authoritative server in my mind is where the clients send their key presses to the server, and the server tells the clients where their character is located. This example here is kind of like a “Hello World”, or rather just a “Hello”, if that, because I don’t have the clients sending anything to the server. The server will generate spheres and then send the sphere positions to any clients connected and the clients display the spheres for the user. Here you can see a server with two clients connected.


Now keep in mind I have no professional experience doing any of this and I don’t even know if this is the correct approach to take, but I’ve found very few examples of this kind of thing on the Internet (using Unity’s NetworkTransport). If you don’t know about NetworkTransport, read Checking out Unity’s NetworkTransport first. This does not use Unity’s High Level API because I wanted to have as much control as possible over what was sent on the network.

Let’s start. So let’s have the server spawn a sphere and add it to a list so we can keep track of everything:

IEnumerator SpawnCoroutine()
    // Create new object
    GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
    //sphere.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f));
    // Set position
    sphere.transform.position = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f));
    // Set color
    sphere.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value);

    // Save data for when we send across the net
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);


Now we need another coroutine that runs every tenth of a second and sends the sphere list out to every connected client. A major complication is turning a List into a byte stream. Let’s first serialize the data:

// Serialize list
NetworkWriter nw = new NetworkWriter();
Renderer rend;

foreach (var item in sphereList)
    rend = item.GetComponent<Renderer>();

    // Don't pack too much
    // Fix me! Send more than one packet instead
    if (nw.Position > 1300)

// Send data out
byte[] buffer = nw.ToArray();
byte error;
//Debug.Log(string.Format("Sending data size {0}", buffer.Length));
foreach (var item in connectList)
    NetworkTransport.Send(m_hostId, item, reliableChannel, buffer, buffer.Length, out error);

One shortcoming in this example is the server only sends the first 50 or so spheres out. We’d need to send more than one packet if we wanted more. NetworkTransport message size is limited as it’s UDP. I wrote the client so that it can handle different packets of spheres though. I’m going to use the GetInstanceID as a “primary key” for each sphere so we know if a client has the sphere yet or not.

Now here’s how the client will deserialize:

struct NetworkData
    public int id;
    public Vector3 pos;
    public float r;
    public float g;
    public float b;

NetworkReader nr = new NetworkReader(buffer);

List<NetworkData> tmpList = new List<NetworkData>();
NetworkData tmpData;

// Read to the end
while (nr.Position != buffer.Length)
    // Deserialize = nr.ReadInt32();
    tmpData.pos = nr.ReadVector3();
    tmpData.r = nr.ReadSingle();
    tmpData.g = nr.ReadSingle();
    tmpData.b = nr.ReadSingle();

How does the client then turn this list into game objects? It remembers what game objects it’s already spawned.

class SphereData
    public int id;
    public float lastUpdate;
    public GameObject obj;
// Remeber all spheres we spawned
List<SphereData> sphereList = new List<SphereData>();

Now we just take the List we deserialized earlier on the client and turn it into new spheres if we don’t have the game object already, or update the old sphere’s position:

SphereData sd;
foreach (var networkData in tmpList)
    sd = sphereList.FirstOrDefault(item => ==;
    // Do we have this sphere already?
    if (sd != null)
        // Update position
        sd.obj.transform.position = networkData.pos;
        sd.lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        // Create new object
        GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
        // No rigidbody here!
        // Set position
        sphere.transform.position = networkData.pos;
        // Set color
        sphere.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(networkData.r, networkData.g, networkData.b);

        sd = new SphereData(); =;
        sd.obj = sphere;
        sd.lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

The client will delete spheres it hasn’t gotten info from the server about if enough time passes.

void CleanupSpheres()
    foreach (var item in sphereList)
        // Haven't heard about sphere in a while so destroy it
        if (item.obj.gameObject != null && item.lastUpdate + 1.0f < Time.realtimeSinceStartup)
            Destroy(item.obj.gameObject); // Note this becomes null only after Update

So there are two main scripts, Server.cs and Client.cs. I attach these to a Main Camera in their own separate projects.

Note you need to add a Sphere to the scene, but you can turn off the Sphere Collider and Mesh Renderer. This is to make it so Unity builds with the correct shaders needed for when you do spawn the spheres. Otherwise you will see pink spheres!

Also note pressing space on the server will cause a lot of Spheres to be generated.

In the future I hope to figure out a way to send more than 50 spheres to the clients, to get some interpolation going (a la what Gabriel Gambetta talks about), and eventually have clients moving the spheres around with them sending input. (It is also better to have the server send the sphere colors only once when they are created and not on each update!)

Both projects at GitHub

Checking out Unity’s NetworkTransport

I wrote up some code to help me understand Unity’s Transport Layer API. I created a “client” script and a “server” script. I then attached these two scripts to a Main Camera and hit Play. If you want, you can attach more than one “client” script.


When the client connects, I can choose how big of a message to send. When the server receives a message, it then echoes it back to everyone who’s connected.

When you call AddHost, I think it’s spawning a thread that then listens to and sends on the port.

Here is my “ClientUI.cs”:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class ClientUI : MonoBehaviour
    public void Start()

        ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig();
        reliableChannel = config.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable);
        HostTopology topology = new HostTopology(config, 1); // Only connect once
        // Do not put port since we are a client and want to take any port available to us
        m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(topology, 200, 400);
        m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topology);

    Rect windowRect = new Rect(500, 20, 100, 50);
    string ipField = System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback.ToString();
    string portField = "25000";
    byte reliableChannel;
    int m_hostId = -1;
    int m_connectionId;
    Vector2 scrollPos;
    string sizeField = "1000";
    string receiveLabel;
    public void OnGUI()
        windowRect = GUILayout.Window(GetInstanceID(), windowRect, MyWindow, "Client Window");

    void MyWindow(int id)
        ipField = GUILayout.TextField(ipField);
        portField = GUILayout.TextField(portField);
        if (GUILayout.Button("Connect"))
            byte error;
            int connectionId;
            connectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect(m_hostId, ipField, int.Parse(portField), 0, out error);
            if (connectionId != 0) // Could go over total connect count
                m_connectionId = connectionId;
        if (GUILayout.Button("Disconnect"))
            byte error;
            bool ret = NetworkTransport.Disconnect(m_hostId, m_connectionId, out error);
            print("Disconnect " + ret + " error " + error);

        sizeField = GUILayout.TextField(sizeField);
        if (GUILayout.Button("Send"))
            byte error;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[int.Parse(sizeField)];
            // Just send junk
            bool ret = NetworkTransport.Send(m_hostId, m_connectionId, reliableChannel, buffer, buffer.Length, out error);
            print("Send " + ret + " error " + error);

        scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Height(200.0f), GUILayout.Width(400.0f));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Clear"))
            receiveLabel = "";


    public void Update()
        if (m_hostId == -1)
        int connectionId;
        int channelId;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1500];
        int receivedSize;
        byte error;
        NetworkEventType networkEvent = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_hostId, out connectionId, out channelId, buffer, 1500, out receivedSize, out error);
        if (networkEvent == NetworkEventType.Nothing)
        receiveLabel += string.Format("{0} connectionId {1} channelId {2} receivedSize {3}\n", networkEvent.ToString(), connectionId, channelId, receivedSize);

My “ServerUI.cs”:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;

public class ServerUI : MonoBehaviour
    public void Start()

        ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig();
        reliableChannel = config.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable);
        HostTopology topology = new HostTopology(config, 5); // Allow five connections
        m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(topology, 200, 400, 25000);
        m_hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topology, 25000);

    Rect windowRect = new Rect(20, 20, 100, 50);
    Dictionary<int, IPEndPoint> connectionDictionary = new Dictionary<int, IPEndPoint>();

    byte reliableChannel;
    int m_hostId = -1;
    Vector2 scrollPos;
    string receiveLabel;
    public void OnGUI()
        windowRect = GUILayout.Window(GetInstanceID(), windowRect, MyWindow, "Server Window");

    void MyWindow(int id)
        scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Height(200.0f), GUILayout.Width(400.0f));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Clear"))
            receiveLabel = "";


    public void Update()
        if (m_hostId == -1)
        int connectionId;
        int channelId;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1500];
        int receivedSize;
        byte error;
        NetworkEventType networkEvent = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_hostId, out connectionId, out channelId, buffer, 1500, out receivedSize, out error);
        if (networkEvent == NetworkEventType.Nothing)
        receiveLabel += string.Format("{0} connectionId {1} channelId {2} receivedSize {3}\n", networkEvent.ToString(), connectionId, channelId, receivedSize);
        // If someone connected then save this info
        if (networkEvent == NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent)
            string address;
            int port;
            UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID network;
            UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID dstNode;
            NetworkTransport.GetConnectionInfo(m_hostId, connectionId, out address, out port, out network, out dstNode, out error);
            receiveLabel += string.Format("address {0} port {1}\n", address, port);
            connectionDictionary.Add(connectionId, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(address), port));
        else if (networkEvent == NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent) // Remove from connection list
        else if (networkEvent == NetworkEventType.DataEvent)
            // Echo to everyone what we just received
            foreach (var pair in connectionDictionary)
                NetworkTransport.Send(m_hostId, pair.Key, reliableChannel, buffer, receivedSize, out error);

If this helped you out or you can think of any improvements or things I did wrong, please let me know. Thanks.

Basic SocketAsyncEventArgs Server and Client

A while ago I tried to write a simple server and client that worked with the SocketAsyncEventArgs class. I also used BlockingCollection which was introduced in .NET 4.

Here’s the client executable:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using UdpLibrary;

namespace Client
class Client
static UdpSocket socket;
static void Main(string[] args)
socket = new UdpSocket();

// Start a thread that prints anything sent to us
new Thread(() => printit()).Start();
string s;
while (true)
s = Console.ReadLine();
// Send input to server 100 times
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
socket.Send(IPAddress.Loopback, 10100, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s));

static void printit()
EndPoint ip;
byte[] buffer;
string s;
while (true)
socket.Receive(out ip, out buffer);
// Print out anything we receive
s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
Console.WriteLine(ip.ToString() + " " + s);

The server executable:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using UdpLibrary;

namespace Server
class Server
static void Main(string[] args)
UdpSocket socket = new UdpSocket();
socket.Bind(IPAddress.Loopback, 10100);

EndPoint ip;
byte[] buffer;
string s;
while (true)
socket.Receive(out ip, out buffer);
s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
// Print out what you recv then send back echo
Console.WriteLine(ip.ToString() + " " + s);
socket.Send(((IPEndPoint)ip).Address, ((IPEndPoint)ip).Port, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s));

The “UdpLibrary” both executables reference:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;

namespace UdpLibrary
public class UdpSocket
bool running;
int _transferDelay;
double _loss;
Random rnd;
Socket socket;
struct PacketStruct
public EndPoint ip;
public byte[] buffer;
BlockingCollection<PacketStruct> sendQueue;
BlockingCollection<PacketStruct> receiveQueue;

public UdpSocket()
running = false;
sendQueue = new BlockingCollection<PacketStruct>();
receiveQueue = new BlockingCollection<PacketStruct>();
rnd = new Random();

running = false;

public bool Send(IPAddress address, int port, byte[] buffer, int timeout = -1)
// Don't really send, but add to the queue to be sent out
PacketStruct tmp;
tmp.ip = new IPEndPoint(address, port);
tmp.buffer = new byte[buffer.Length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, tmp.buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return sendQueue.TryAdd(tmp, timeout);

public bool Receive(out EndPoint ip, out byte[] buffer, int timeout = -1)
// See if there's anything in the queue for us to receive
PacketStruct tmp;
bool ret = receiveQueue.TryTake(out tmp, timeout);
if (ret)
ip = tmp.ip;
buffer = new byte[tmp.buffer.Length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(tmp.buffer, 0, buffer, 0, tmp.buffer.Length);
ip = null;
buffer = null;
return ret;

public void Bind(IPAddress address, int port = 0, int transferDelay = 0, double loss = 0)
if (running)
socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(address, port));
_transferDelay = transferDelay;
_loss = loss;

// Bind to port and start a thread
Thread thread = new Thread(() => ThreadProc());

void ThreadProc()
running = true;

byte[] buffer = new byte[1300];
SocketAsyncEventArgs receiveEvent = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
receiveEvent.Completed += receiveEvent_Completed;
receiveEvent.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
receiveEvent.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

if (!socket.ReceiveMessageFromAsync(receiveEvent))
throw new NotImplementedException();

PacketStruct tmp;
while (running)
sendQueue.TryTake(out tmp, -1);

SocketAsyncEventArgs sendEvent = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
sendEvent.Completed += sendEvent_Completed;
sendEvent.RemoteEndPoint = tmp.ip;
sendEvent.SetBuffer(tmp.buffer, 0, tmp.buffer.Length);

if (!socket.SendToAsync(sendEvent))
throw new NotImplementedException();

void sendEvent_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success && e.LastOperation == SocketAsyncOperation.SendTo)
PacketStruct tmp;
if (sendQueue.TryTake(out tmp))
e.RemoteEndPoint = tmp.ip;
e.SetBuffer(tmp.buffer, 0, tmp.buffer.Length);

if (!((Socket)sender).SendToAsync(e))
throw new NotImplementedException();
e.Completed -= sendEvent_Completed;
throw new NotImplementedException();

void receiveEvent_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.MessageSize)
if (!((Socket)sender).ReceiveMessageFromAsync(e))
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success && e.LastOperation == SocketAsyncOperation.ReceiveMessageFrom)
if (_loss != 0)
lock (rnd)
if (rnd.NextDouble() < _loss)
if (!((Socket)sender).ReceiveMessageFromAsync(e))
throw new NotImplementedException();

if (_transferDelay != 0)

PacketStruct tmp;
tmp.ip = e.RemoteEndPoint;
tmp.buffer = new byte[e.BytesTransferred];
Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, 0, tmp.buffer, 0, e.BytesTransferred);
receiveQueue.TryAdd(tmp, -1);

if (!((Socket)sender).ReceiveMessageFromAsync(e))
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.ConnectionReset)
throw new NotImplementedException();

Maybe this can help someone?